Interview with MIZZI
We had the pleasure of interviewing MIZZI over Zoom video!
MIZZI, whose real name is Heather Jeanette Miley, is a certified RIAA platinum songwriter whose songwriting and production credits include:
Selena Gomez - “B.E.A.T.” - Writing and...
We had the pleasure of interviewing MIZZI over Zoom video!
MIZZI, whose real name is Heather Jeanette Miley, is a certified RIAA platinum songwriter whose songwriting and production credits include:
Selena Gomez - “B.E.A.T.” - Writing and Background Vocals
Jojo Siwa - “Boomerang” - Writing/Production/Background Vocals (Certified RIAA Platinum)
Jason Derulo - “Don’t Wanna Go Home” - Production (Certified RIAA Platinum)
Kelly Clarkson - “Einstein” - Production
Rosie McClelland - “Handstand” and “LA LA” - Writing
Annie LeBlanc - “2 Sides” - Writing and Production
Kendall K - “Where Would I Be Without You” - Writing
Jessica Jarrell - “How Would I” - Writing
While MIZZI is focused on high-power electro commercial pop - Heather Jeanette's back catalog is focused on singer-songwriter & country-pop music. MIZZI also released her debut album Sugar High.
You may have also heard MIZZI's solo stuff - “New New,” “Represent,” and “One Woman Army” - on trailers and promos such as Netflix’s “Emily in Paris,” Amazon Prime’s “Making the Cut,” & ABC’s “Queens” & more.
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1 (27s): Y hello. It is Adam. Welcome back to bring in a backwards, a podcast where both legendary and rising artists tell their own personal stories of how they achieved stardom. On this episode, we had a chance to chat with MSI over zoom video. Missy was born and raised in Virginia, Virginia Beach, and she talks about how she got into music. Started playing electric guitar at an early age. She told us about her first ever performance, which was at an actual beauty contest. She was her mom's Senator for a beauty contest. He had to show a skill. She ended up covering a Juul song. She talked about that, how she got into songwriting, attending Berkeley school of music signing her first publishing deal. 1 (1m 7s): Working on records for Kelly Clarkson and Jason gorilla moving to Los Angeles, writing for Selena Gomez. She also had a song with Jojo Siwa. She actually sat down with, to see one wrote a song with her, and she talks all about her artist, project MSI, and the new record called sugar high. You can watch our interview with Missy on our Facebook page and YouTube channel app, bringing it backwards. It'd be awesome if he subscribed to our channel like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and Tik TOK at bringing back pod. And if you're listening to this on Spotify or apple music, we'd love it. If you follow us there as well and hook us up with a five star view, it'd be awesome. 2 (1m 46s): We'd appreciate your support. If you follow and subscribe to our podcasts, wherever you listen to podcasts, 1 (1m 52s): We're bringing it backwards with MSI. I'm Adam, by the way, nice to meet you. 3 (1m 56s): Nice to meet you. 1 (1m 58s): And this podcast is about you and your journey and music. And we'll talk about the new couple of new songs you put out and you have a record coming out right next month. 3 (2m 7s): Yes. Awesome. Sugar high. 1 (2m 10s): Very, very cool. Awesome. So, well, where are you based out of right now? Are you in 3 (2m 14s): LA? Yes. I'm in Los Angeles. 1 (2m 16s): Are you from there originally? 3 (2m 18s): No, I'm actually from Virginia originally. Okay. 1 (2m 22s): The Virginia or West Virginia. 3 (2m 25s): The Virginia. I mean, my, my family is like from the Western part, but you know, I can still sing the song. 1 (2m 34s): Right. I'm what was it like growing up in Virginia? 3 (2m 38s): It was interesting. It's a very like family oriented town. I mean, I lived in Virginia Beach, so I always had a beach next to me and continue to have to be next to the beach. Cause it just feels more like home to have Palm trees now, which is nice. 1 (2m 53s): The east coast is a bit different. I grew up in San Diego, so I grew up on the same Pacific that you're on. But it's interesting going to like the east coast and Atlantic ocean, how different it is. 3 (3m 6s): Yeah. Especially as colder out here. 1 (3m 10s): Yeah, no for sure. I remember going to Hilton head South Carolina and it was like 80 in the water. I'm like, whoa, this is like a bathtub. You go to San Diego. It's the middle of summer. And it's still like 40 degrees in the water. It's freezing every yeah. All the time. So, well tell me about growing up there. Yeah. Oh, the warm water. Yes. Did you, did you go to the beach quite often? 3 (3m 33s): Yes. I mean only in the summer. Cause that's the only time to go. Cause it gets cold. 1 (3m 38s): Otherwise when you're in LA. 3 (3m 41s): Yeah. I love going to the beach except I don't go in the water at all. 1 (3m 46s): Yeah. I wouldn't either not <em></em> so cool. So how did you get into music? 3 (3m 55s): I started like, I mean, I played violin in like fifth grade and then I wanted to get electric guitar and sixth grade. And so I started playing electric guitar and then there was a beauty pageant that my mom signed me up for unwillingly and I needed a talent. And at the time I was playing guitar and I thought, you know, I can't really like just get up there and play guitar. Cause I wasn't that skilled, you know? And my dad was like, why don't you just singing and play guitar? And I was like, you're crazy dad. Like I can't sing. And then lo and behold I did it and I never looked back. So 1 (4m 34s): Imagine 3 (4m 35s): Yes, I did. Julie, you were meant for me. 1 (4m 39s): Awesome. That's really cool. And Juul is a San Diego man or she, I think she wrote that whole record in San Diego. 3 (4m 47s): I didn't know that. 1 (4m 48s): Yeah. But anyway, so you did a Juul song, you played started playing electric. Why electric guitar? Was there a reason behind that? Instead of like an abusive 3 (4m 56s): And I loved, you know, like no doubt and stuff like that, so. 1 (5m 0s): Okay. Th that drew you to the guitar? Yes. Very cool. And were your parents musical at all? 3 (5m 7s): No, actually my dad only like screened to Aerosmith and van Halen. 1 (5m 14s): Okay. No instruments. Other than that, the electric guitar in the house? No, 3 (5m 20s): No instrument. I mean, we have like an Oregon. I mean, like nobody really played it. 1 (5m 26s): Did you, was it just because a note, like what drew you to plant wanting to play guitar? Was it no doubt? Are those bands that were listening to at the time? 3 (5m 33s): I think I was just listening to like a lots of rock music and you know, like I just, for some reason I wanted to play electric guitar. So 1 (5m 42s): There you have it. All right. So you do the Juul song and then what, from there, what happens? Do you keep doing covers or when do you start writing music? I know you've written for a bunch of artists. 3 (5m 53s): I started, you know, like doing covers. I started, you know, just like playing out in places wherever I could play. And basically 1 (6m 2s): You're playing out. 3 (6m 5s): I mean, like when I was like 17 or something like that. Yeah. I mean, like I had to play in like cut, like coffee shops and things like that. And like places that people would live with me. 1 (6m 17s): Right. What'd you just show up and ask to play? Or did you have like a demo? Like how are you? 3 (6m 22s): I mean, I tried to go out and like, you know, like get my name out there and played places. So 1 (6m 28s): Where are you in all? These are all cover songs. Are you writing originals? At this point? 3 (6m 32s): I started writing originals a little bit. They are really, really, really bad. I think somebody has copies of them somewhere as you know, black male, but, 1 (6m 44s): So where are you like doing like singer-songwriter things or were you still playing electric guitar? 3 (6m 49s): I was playing electric guitar and at the time I even got, you know, one of those mini keyboards and I was like trying to make some beats at that. 1 (6m 57s): Oh really? I know you have, you have production chops. I mean, you've produced on like a, you know, a platinum record, right? 3 (7m 6s): I mean, that's where it starts. You start from, you know, getting a, you know, a little mini keyboard and just trying what you can do. 1 (7m 14s): Were you just trying to like where you interested in production and where was it just like, I want to use this as a tool to kind of enhance the songs I'm writing. 4 (7m 24s): Is your savings just sitting there? Well, put it to work a premium online savings account from PenFed earns way more than the national average. 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And Sharon's easier than making three frozen pizzas and assorted frozen veggies into a cohesive meal. 3 (8m 25s): I think I just, I kinda, as a female, I think it's, it's hard because like guys get together and they jam together and stuff like that. And I don't feel like there's a lot of that for females. And so I think I realized, I was like, okay, like I want to write my own stuff. And then I want to like, try to write whatever I wanted to write, you know? And I didn't want anything to stop me. So 1 (8m 50s): I find that interesting that yeah, like it it's such a different dynamic with, with women in the music industry when it comes to like producing, because any guy that has a Mac book in like garage band thinks that they can just put producer after their name is like, Hey, look, let's be real. Like, I feel like if like a girl, if a woman or somebody who does it, I don't think they get the same respect. It's interesting to me, you see that in the industry at all. 3 (9m 17s): It's really, really hard as a female because I feel like you have to work a lot harder to prove yourself than a guy, you know, like a guy instantly walks into a room and they instantly think, okay, like, this guy knows what he's doing, you know, but a female, like, they're like, oh, okay. You're pretty like, let's see if you can sing. Okay, cool. You know, but like, you know, it's almost like they don't believe that you can do all other things other than just like be pretty and have a voice. 1 (9m 46s): Yeah. You've got to show. Yeah, exactly. Prove yourself a bit more, which is, I don't know, to me that's pretty ridiculous. But like I said, anyone that has a Mac book and just say, ah, I'm a producer now. And I wouldn't call myself a producer. Okay. Well, I don't produce music, I guess that's my, that's where I was going with this whole thing. But anyway, I mean, I have garage and I have garage band. I can just put a loop on and all of a sudden I should be selling beats. Well. So I'm curious on how you got from Virginia to now you're in LA, but like, did you go to college for music? 1 (10m 29s): Like what, from the 17 year old, do you write any songs and playing with them, you know, mini keyboard and, and doing every coffee shop, like, what was the next step for you? 3 (10m 39s): I went to Berkeley college of music. Oh, you did? Yes. I only went there for two and a half years. I was doing music, business and voice. And then I realized that the, you know, just sitting in a classroom and getting graded on my voice performance, wasn't going to necessarily get me anywhere in the world. So I figured I would drop that and, you know, try to play live and see if I get lemons thrown at me, tomatoes. They're not me. If that didn't happen, then I'm good. And then I continued with a music business degree and I basically like figured out a way to, you know, take online classes and get out of there ASAP. 3 (11m 21s): Cause it was cold. 1 (11m 23s): So you ended up graduating from Berkeley, but just not actually being at the school? Yes. Okay. That's cool. And you went for voice and music business. Did you have to audition to get into the school? 3 (11m 35s): I don't remember. 1 (11m 37s): I don't. I just talked to somebody earlier today that it's always a different experience when it comes to the Berkeley. I feel like some people have to audition, not they like sight reading on the spot or just present them some piece of music or it's just like, oh, they just let me in. Like I didn't have to do anything. So yeah. I was just interested to see how, how they, you went about it. But I guess you don't remember. So 3 (11m 58s): I think they've upgraded now, but you have to audition things like that, but I'm not sure. 1 (12m 3s): Okay. And where you learning how to produce there as well? No. Okay. So what, what did, when did that all come about? Did you started playing live? You want it to get, see if someone's gonna throw lemons at you or whatever. And then do you move to LA or like, what's your, 3 (12m 18s): So from there after the two and a half years, I went back home to Virginia Beach, then I sort of was, you know, trying to figure out what I was going to do with my life. I thought about doing, studying entertainment, law and being like a lawyer because I had a music business degree. And at the time I was still writing music and I had met a friend of a friend that was producing music and recording and he had a studio. And so I went and I recorded three songs with him and he actually was an assistant to serving ganja who is a mixer. 3 (12m 59s): And he lives in Virginia Beach and he mixes like Kelly Clarkson and Taylor swift, like just every big pot name in the world. He lives in Virginia Beach. And he basically, yes, it's pretty cool. And basically he heard my songs that I was writing and he was like, Hey, do you want to sign a publishing deal? And at the time I didn't think of myself as like a songwriter writing for other people. You know, I just kind of like thought I was just going to write for myself and try the artists route or go into the kind of thought, Hey, like, this is one of those things that you just like take an opportunity in life and you can always go back to entertainment, law. 3 (13m 47s): But like, this is the ones that are lifetime chance. So I signed with him, I worked in Virginia for about a year writing songs and then got shipped out to LA in a 26 foot Penske truck with all the things. And I've been here since 1 (14m 8s): Wow. When you sign that deal, I'm curious. Cause I've never actually asked anyone about this. Like when you sign a publishing deal, are you like, how does it work as far as like the like, are you being paid by this person as like a salary job? And you're writing songs in hopes that one of them will get picked up or is it like, okay, I'm going to sign you. And then if something happens, then we will like rise together. 3 (14m 33s): It's sort of both because you get signed, but you get an advance and these advanced depends on how cool you are and how much clout you have. And I had zero. So I had a little bit of both worlds, you know? 1 (14m 50s): So then yeah, you might get a little bit of money up front and then if every record, obviously you ride or gets picked up by an artist, then that's where you can kind of start making a little bit of money that way. Ah, interesting. Okay. I wasn't sure how that worked. So you get to LA and you're writing songs for people. It was the first cut that you gotten. Tell me about that experience. 3 (15m 10s): Well, I did some did some of the production stuff I did before I got to LA the Jason Derulo and the Kelly Clarkson. And then, 1 (15m 21s): And you were because you were working with this mixer, you had a chance to work with them or like, how did that work? 3 (15m 27s): He got the song and nobody, everybody was like, it's there, but it's not completely there. And so me and this other writer that was signed to him, we started trying to add production and they liked it. So I never met Jason Derulo and never met Kelly Clarkson, like, 1 (15m 46s): But to have a credit on their album, I mean, that's terrible. 3 (15m 51s): Maybe see me one day. 1 (15m 55s): Well, with that, like had you, how were you learning to do production? Was that something you were just picking up along the way, 3 (16m 2s): Sort of learning the music theory in, in school, you can kind of see it on the piano. Like it's just, it's the best way to see it. I don't know if you know anything about music theory, but like you just look at all the white keys, that's your C major scale or you're a minor, you know? And that just helped me see everything. And then like, I knew how to put chords together. So I would just start, you know, figuring things out from there. 1 (16m 32s): Oh amazing. And then obviously they landed at what was that moment like being like, whoa, they actually chose 6 (16m 38s): Finding the right person for the job. Isn't easy. Just ask somebody who hired their personal trainer as a caterer. 7 (16m 43s): All right, let's keep this line moving you there with the Tom's kicking up one, Duchess potato at a time. We'll not cut it at my catering table dropping, 6 (16m 51s): But if you've got an insurance question, you can always count on your local Geico agent. They can bundle your policies, which could save you hundreds. 7 (16m 58s): This is what we call the wild mushroom and its Farragut dip. Devon press. 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But no one understood, you know? I'm like, you hear that? Like, you know, that's me. 1 (18m 2s): Yeah. Yeah. Wow. Wow. And then, I mean to you to get the record with your name on and everything else, I mean, I'm sure that was a huge, huge accomplishment. 3 (18m 12s): Yes. It was amazing. 1 (18m 14s): And so doing that took you to Los Angeles, I would imagine. And then when you get to LA what's what's next, 3 (18m 22s): I was just writing, trying to, you know, connect with as many people as possible to figure out what I'm doing in this crazy city. And then I think around Christmas, everybody went home and I sort of just stuck around. I think I waited too long to get plane tickets and they were just way too expensive at that point. So I figured, Hey, I'll just go home, you know, another month. And during that time, I actually wrote a bunch of songs with Freddy Wexler and we ended up getting a Selena cut. Oh wow. Yeah. So stay home and grind on Christmas. 1 (19m 5s): So you ended up getting a song and you did backing vocals with her 3 (19m 8s): Record. Again, I never met her, 1 (19m 12s): But still your voice is on the album now. Right? I mean that's what a level up. Yeah. 3 (19m 16s): Yeah. And it was crazy because then Serbin mixed it. So, you know, 1 (19m 23s): Everything 3 (19m 24s): Just was rolling. 1 (19m 26s): Yeah. Wow. And then you ended up writing for numerous other artists as, as I'm looking here at your stuff and that's like, what was the next big, like a moment for you? 3 (19m 39s): I think that the next big one was Jojo Siwa. 1 (19m 43s): Oh, okay. And did you know, I mean, she's was like a YouTuber, right? Or she was on that show that bands, dance, moms, dance moms. That's what it was. And then she had like a Nickelodeon show or something or Disney channel. I can't remember. She did a bunch of 3 (19m 59s): Nickelodeon 1 (20m 1s): And then she had a record out. That's like, when you wrote the song and did you know that was going to be pitched to her? Like how did that work? 3 (20m 10s): So that actually I wrote in the studio with her, That was fun. Cause she, at the time she was really young, but she knew exactly what she wanted. 1 (20m 24s): Okay. So she would let it kind of go tell you like an idea what she was thinking and you would help her would structure the song. 3 (20m 32s): Yeah. So she, I mean she knew like she wanted to be a voice for younger kids. And I mean that space at that time, I mean, I feel like even now, like that space was not something, you know, cause everybody wants to be cool and like edge up and, you know, appeal to the older people. But you know, she embraced that whole younger generation that didn't have a role model. 1 (20m 58s): That's cool. And that's really, I remember we, what I used to live in San Diego, we had passes to universal studios, like season passes my family and I would go over there all the time. And my son saw her like walking through the outside square area thing where there's like all the restaurants and stuff. And she's just like running around, jumping on stuff. Like her parents are filming her. Like she just like made it like, Hey, I'm here like attention, not anything. And she's big, huge at this point. So it wasn't even like she was trying to be, you know, candid about it. It was just like, Hey, like dance and shit. I've taken a picture with my, with my son and everything. It was really funny. I just was so surprised like how in it, she was in the sense that like, that she wanted people to come up and talk to her and everything instead of like being like, you know, in a hat and kind of looking down, she was like, Hey, I'm here. 1 (21m 51s): Yeah. It was really cool. So tell me when the, when your artist project begins, 3 (21m 59s): The MSI sort of started. I, I think like a couple years ago I started writing for MSI and I didn't really know exactly what MSI was going to be. You know, like sorta came up with the name during like a writing camp that the first song that I wrote, it was a writing camp for lyric house. And I was writing like sort of like boss girl song, you know, it's sort of like Beyonce meets like a wrappy sort of song. And I didn't, I didn't know what to call, like whatever you know, was coming out. 3 (22m 41s): You know, I was like, I don't know what this is. And my last name is Miley and I can't go by my leave apparently because you know, somebody stole that even related to her name's Stephanie hope, but one other thing, and then I'm a little bitter I 1 (23m 1s): Was going to say, 3 (23m 5s): And then somebody in the writing session was like, what about MSI? And I was like, that's gonna cool. And then I can like make it all caps. And I mean, that was the birth of MSI. 1 (23m 17s): And you knew the songs that you're writing was or going to be for, not for pitchers, like, okay. I want to write these for myself. 3 (23m 23s): Yeah. Okay. 1 (23m 26s): Is that, was that hard to like distinguish now? Like do you still write for other people and then trying to kind of balance between what you're going to give your like put out as, as MSI versus something for somebody else? 3 (23m 38s): Yeah. I mean, I sort of, I sort of know who MSI is now, but at the time I, I didn't really, but you know, because I'm a songwriter, I feel like every day I get to put on different hats, you know, like I'm like, okay, this song today. Like if I get put into a room with somebody I'm like, okay, this is for this person, you know? And like, I'd go in as like, they're steering the ship and I let them, you know, tell me how it's going to be. Or, you know, if I'm I'm writing as a pitch for somebody else, like, I know that's not who I can be, you know? 1 (24m 13s): Right, right. Oh, so you're not right. You usually know the prompt beforehand, as far as like who you're going to write for like, oh, here, I'm going to write for blah, blah, blah. Today. It's not like, you're just going to read a bunch of songs then like submit them out to people as much anymore. 3 (24m 26s): It depends. But more, I think like earlier in my career, that was more like, you know, I didn't know what I was writing every single time, but I think now, you know, it's more of like, if I get set up with a session, I know that this person is strong in this aspect. And so we should do a song like this, you know? 1 (24m 49s): Okay. And when do you start putting out songs as MSI and what was that like back then? 3 (24m 58s): I mean, it, it felt cool because it's, it's, you know, it's, it's fun to write for other people, but at the same time, like you sorta feel like, Hey, like, what am I doing? Like, I need a creative outlet from myself. You know, 1 (25m 13s): What year did you put out your first record with MSI? 3 (25m 16s): I think 2000. 18. 19. 1 (25m 20s): Okay. And then like where you performing out as, as MSI at this point or not yet? 3 (25m 27s): No, I was just, I was just putting the songs out. 1 (25m 31s): Okay. And then where did that land? You come 20, 20 when the world shut down where you obviously, it's probably not as many sessions were happening at this point. And did you have a lot of time to like focus on your, on your artist project? 3 (25m 45s): Yeah, actually. So I can do all my setup at home. Like I have recording gear and at the time I was in Indiana where my parents are now. And so I was using my dad's walk-in closet as my studio. So now, like when a song comes out, I'm like, Hey dad, that was, that was in your closet. 1 (26m 6s): That's funny. Yeah. So you were able to work obviously. Were you in LA when it all started to happen or were you in Indiana? At the time? 3 (26m 15s): I was actually in Nashville. Oh, really? What part? 1 (26m 21s): I'm south, like by Franklin. 3 (26m 22s): Okay. I was contemplating moving to Nashville and the tornado and then COVID hit. 1 (26m 30s): Oh yeah. And the bomb. I mean, you ma you missed the big, they was rough and I move right after that though. So I moved in February 3 (26m 38s): Of 1 (26m 40s): One. Yeah. I had all that had happened. And then I've been here almost a year. Now my family and I decided to move where, like I said, we were in San Diego and we moved here. We love it here. It's amazing. Nice. But yeah, it was rough for Nashville for like a while. I mean, it was like the bomb and COVID and the tornado ripped up the, you know, east Nashville or you hear often to write. 3 (27m 4s): I haven't been back since the tornado kind of scared me a little bit. That was my first time ever hearing tornado sirens. You know, I asked everybody, you know, is this okay? Is this something I should worry about? They're like, it's fine. It happens all the time. Wake up pizza place I was going to go to in east Nashville was completely destroyed. 1 (27m 28s): Oh, wow. So you were here when that happened? Yes. Oh my gosh. And obviously you're safe. I interviewed somebody that's house. Got, yeah, it got taken out. Like it's just 3 (27m 42s): Crazy. 1 (27m 44s): There's actually speaking of which it's a, they're supposed to be tornadoes today. They just let my kids out of school, two hours early and everything because of it. Yeah. It's really interesting. It's like 70 degrees and you know, lightening and thundering. So we'll see the winds have been like pretty gnarly, but we're south enough where I think we'll knock on wood, be all right. So it is the thing I'd never experienced. Now we have like under the stairs. So I know we didn't, we didn't, we don't have the luxury of a basement, but we built this little thing we should be all right. But when we first moved here, there was a tornado thing happening. We are staying in our apartment before our house is ready and we're on the third floor and we had never experienced a tornado before. 1 (28m 29s): And we're like, what are we doing? We're like in the bathroom, in the bathtub, like with blankets and everything else, like it was so scary. 3 (28m 37s): So yeah, really. It's 1 (28m 39s): Scary. Now I can see why you want to stay here, especially at the Harley one, right? 3 (28m 47s): Yeah. But there's earthquakes here, I guess. 1 (28m 50s): Yeah. But I lived in San Diego for 37 years and between there and San Francisco and I'd feel them, but it was never like, I don't know. I guess there's been bad ones, obviously San Francisco, LA, but not, I never had that. Like, I'd experienced it, but not to the capacity of like, oh my gosh, you know, people are freaking out. Like 3 (29m 13s): You were here when the north Ridge one happened. 1 (29m 17s): Not in LA though. So I'm in St. I was in San Diego. But I remember that one. I mean, obviously there's been horrid earthquakes in California, but like, I don't know. I feel like tornadoes are so often that it's like a totally different thing. I mean, you can't predict earthquake, but 3 (29m 34s): You should sign up for the tweet notifications on. 1 (29m 40s): Yeah. 3 (29m 40s): That's what I did immediately after that, I was like, I don't know where I'm going to be. Like, I gotta be prepared. 1 (29m 46s): No, somebody told me about that. That's how I found out about it. Like, wait, what do you do? Like, oh, you know, follow this. It's good to tweet it out. I'm like, okay, perfect. And I found this guy on YouTube. Actually my wife found him, his name is Ryan Hall. Y'all and he he's like at this insane setup of like all of these computers and all this, like, like weather tracking equipment and he's in Georgia and he follows all these storms and he's like on it, like live whenever there's something like this happening. And he's like telling people like, all right, all right, Nashville, you can go to sleep. Now it's going to pass up here. Like, like he's on it. It's pretty. So he's very good source. Cause we got here. I'm like, we don't have TV. You know? Like where are we going to figure out like local stuff that's happening. 1 (30m 27s): So we found this guy and then obviously the Twitter thing was, was helpful for sure. But let's talk about your record, the new record. So when did you start writing this? Was it after moving away from Nashville and COVID and all that? 3 (30m 41s): I think the, some of the songs have been in the works since, you know, I've been writing for MSI. They just haven't come out because I, I felt like I wanted to have, you know, a big debut album to come out with these songs. And I mean, I think a lot of them were written when COVID hit as well. I think there's like 18 songs on there. 1 (31m 7s): Wow record. So, and you've also got a lot of songs with some of those songs, got, you know, some major sinks and big television shows and those are MSI songs, right? Yes. 3 (31m 18s): I just had a most recent one. I got a song on the super bowl commercial. 1 (31m 25s): Yes. 3 (31m 27s): The promo. Thank you. It was the promo for the end game. 1 (31m 32s): Really? Wow. What was that like watching the Superbowl and seeing that it 3 (31m 37s): Was so surreal. 1 (31m 40s): That is awesome. 3 (31m 41s): It happened around like the two minute warning and I was starting to think, I was like, did they forget about my song? Like what's going on? I'm like, I haven't heard it. Did I miss it? Was I in the bathroom? And then all of a sudden you're just like, Hey, 1 (31m 55s): What a, what a time to you got like a prime time on that? Because the game was so close and the LA is coming back and like, people are glued to the screen at this point. Wow. I saw that they spent $7 million on a 32nd commercial that just blew my mind crazy. Yeah. But wow. Javier's ended, but how many eyes and ears are on it? That's amazing that that happened. That's do you have a copy of the commercial? 3 (32m 25s): Yeah, I put it on my Instagram, but I can send it over to you guys. 1 (32m 29s): Awesome. That's really cool. So tell me about, okay. So the record is coming out on March 11th. And are you going to do any sort of live shows to support it? 3 (32m 38s): I've been thinking about it, but I'm not sure like where COVID is all the time, you know, every time I think that we're coming out of it, it goes back, 1 (32m 49s): Right? Yeah. I just saw a couple other artists just canceled shows coming up. I'm like, really? Like I thought this, like, it's just so crazy. It's like never ending. 3 (32m 57s): Yeah. And the Grammys were moved from LA the other in Vegas. 1 (33m 1s): Oh, I didn't even see that. Did that really, really is that new news? I guess I need to be up on that, but that, that is big. I mean, to move it out of LA, which is surprising since they had the super bowl there, 3 (33m 14s): I know like you would think it'd be okay, but I think they decided because they were talking about moving the Superbowl. So I think they decided before they actually had the super bowl. 1 (33m 25s): Oh. That they're going to move it anyway. Interesting. Well, cool. Thank you so much for doing this. I really appreciate that. It's been awesome. I have one more quick question for you. I want to know if you have any advice for aspiring artists. 3 (33m 39s): I think just believe in yourself and you know, do everything you can to, to put yourself out there and to, you know, just get the knowledge and try things and try to write by yourself, you know, and connect with people. And I think that's the best thing to do.